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Union Catalogues of the Czech Republic

  • Uniform Information Gateway (UIG) enables simultaneous searching in different Czech and foreign resources (library catalogues, union catalogues, full text databases etc.) through one user interface. Resources available in UIG are free accessible or licensed (the access is possible only from defined IP addresses).
  • Virtual Polytechnic Library (VPK) is a consortium of 40 Czech libraries that virtually unify their collections and services for technologically oriented users.
  • Union Catalogue of Non-fiction of Public Libraries (SKAT) is a catalogue of almost 180 public libraries from the CR. It contains records of more than two hundred thousand titles of non-fiction and local literature.
  • Charles University Union Catalogue (CIKS) provides virtual access to library catalogues of the 17 faculties of the university. It contains approximately one million records of monographs and serials, and also records of articles and journals available in digital form.
  • Union Catalogue of the Masaryk University in Brno consists of 9 central faculty libraries and 118 sub-libraries. Almost 65% of over 1.5 million items of the university library collections are included in the catalogue. It contains all the monographs and serials, and also databases of journal articles and university theses.
  • Union Catalogue of the Czech Technical University libraries covers collections of CTU faculties, institutes, archive and information centres. The catalogue contains records of monographs, serials, textbooks, CTU theses, technical standards, etc.
  • Union Catalogue of Brno University of Technology offers access to the collections of the Central library and libraries of faculties and other areal libraries of the university. There are collections of monographs, serials, technical standards, audio and video documents.
  • Union Catalogue of the University of Economics, Prague (UEP), provides information about library collections (monographs, serials, university theses, multimedia documents and documents about EU, OECD, UNO, ILO, etc.) of several information centres in Prague and Faculty of Management in Jindřichův Hradec.
  • Union Catalogue of Palacký University Olomouc Library provides shared use of information resources in the wide scale of their forms, accessible either in the central library or in libraries of university faculties.
  • Within the Virtual Art Library (VAL) catalogue the users have a possibility to search library catalogues of following institutions: Museum of Decorative Arts; National Gallery; Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and Moravian Gallery in Brno. In all eight libraries are participating in this project. It contains various documents about architecture, visual arts, crafts, design and photography.
  • RKKA Interlibrary Loan System maintained by the Regional Library Karviná provides searching in on-line catalogues of more than 400 Czech and foreign libraries. It is aimed at the possibility of placing an immediate ILL order.
  • Union catalogue of the Vsetín district libraries maintained by Masaryk´s Public library in Vsetín covers collections of 13 professional libraries of the district. There are over 76 thousand records of books, maps, sheetmusic, audio CDs, CD-ROMs, audio- and video-cassettes, also information about dramas and plays in library holdings.
  • Union catalogue of the Karviná district assembled by the Regional Library Karviná provides specialized services for library network of the region.
  • Regional catalogue of libraries in Bruntál, Krnov and Rýmařov region, administered by Library centre of the Bruntál Municipal Library, provides basic services for the regional libraries.
  • Union catalogue of State Regional Archives of North Bohemia. The state district archives in Česká Lípa, Liberec, Jablonec n.N., and Semily are equipped with libraries focusing on historical and regional studies literature.
  • Archive Groups in the Czech Republic is a catalogue of archive collections of archives in the Czech Republic. The database contains entries of about 154,789 archive groups of historical records and documents, accessibility information, etc.
  • Union Catalogue of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic provides access to the library catalogues of the Academy and its research institutes. It contains collections of those libraries.
  • Medical Virtual Library (MEDVIK) offers access to the collections of the National Medical Library (monographs, serials, reports of grants, digital and on-line database resources), Branch Library at the Ministry of Health, Library of Medical museum (rare books), union catalogues of foreign medical books and journals in Czech and some Slovak medical libraries.
  • TECH – Subject Information Gateway on Technology, Natural and Applied sciences (former STM Portal) provides links to Czech and foreign resources of engineering, natural and applied sciences. Include informations about availability and requirements of these resources in the Czech Republic.
  • Manuscriptorium is a system for collecting and making accessible information on historical book resources on the Internet and is linked to a virtual library of digitised documents.
Nov 21, 2015